Thursday, June 18, 2015


There is a new job platform now available for job seekers in Cameroon and it is called Millejobs. Launched last week by two dudes; an IT engineer and his entrepreneur buddy, the platform seeks to directly connect job hunters with employers. 

We had a few minutes catch up with them and here goes…

DC: How does it aim to be different from the other job search platforms out there?

Millejobs: In other to be different, we have employed a combination of elements. We strive to build incredibly deep and powerful relationships with our clients by engaging with our audience, both employers and job seekers, in a positive manner, giving them much value, and assisting in making recruiting and finding work much easy.

We try to listen and understand the needs and challenges of our users so we can find solutions that makes our users happy. In trying to do this we make sure we are up to date with our competitors whilst also building a great team to help implement this changes. We consistently endeavour to measure our results using different tools and Medias so as to remain relevant to our users and deliver better services.

Our website also has a resource section containing posts that educate our audience on different topics ranging from how to use the site, how to make a great CV, and much more. It is very easy to use and accessible for example creating either a job seeker’s account or a recruiter’s account takes just 3 steps.

DC: Ok. So how often is the platform updated with new job positions?

Millejobs: Since its launch, Millejobs has been updated with new vacancies daily. We have had a positive response from the audience. 

DC: What makes a great CV? 

Millejobs: A CV is always the first point of contact between an employer and a job seeker. If you cannot sell yourself on your CV, you will hardly be selected for a face-to-face interview, or the next stage of the selection process. So, our opinion of what makes a great CV are:
  • Tailor your CV to the role you are applying for. When you've established what the job entails and how you can match each requirement, create a CV specifically for that role.
  • Under the skills section of your CV don't forget to mention key skills that can help you to stand out from the crowd. These could include: communication skills; computer skills; team working; problem solving or even speaking a foreign language
  • Include references. References should be from someone who has employed you in the past and can vouch for your skills and experience.

DC: And your 3 tips for any jobseeker are?

Millejobs: Our 3 tips for any job seeker are:
  • Increase your employability chances by constantly increase your skills set. Nowadays, employers turn to employ dynamic job seekers with diverse skills to reduce cost of employing too many employees.
  • Consider to volunteer in the profession you want to be employed in. It helps job seekers build the skills needed in their dream profession, which can act as a door to finally getting your dream job.
  • Consider temporary employment, especially if you have been unemployed for a long time. This is often a very good way of getting a foot in the door and securing a permanent post later on.

Visit the site here:
Follow them on Twitter: @Millejobs

Stay sweet

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is awesome stuff! Hopefully it can easily facillitate job search back hone for those abroad looking to go back non?