Feast your eyes on these, the newest designs by KiRette Couture, a fashion forward label fronted by two pals Kibonen Nfi & Anrette Ngafor.
In the meantime, to read a little bit more about this label, check out my previous post here: http://dulcecamer.blogspot.com/2009/01/here-with-bang-kirette-couture.html
This collection is just 3 much...HOT HOT HOT!!Now i get for decide weti I want...lol!!Staying tuned for the IV!!
Wow am not sure which shocks me more, the clothes or the fact that one of the models is a former classmates:)
Regardless I'm glad to see our African culture making it to main stream. I can wait for when I can go into a mall in the US and by african fashionable dresses. The possibilites are endless
IRC and L'Athlete Africain, thanks for your kind words. Your faith in and encouragement of KC is what will keep us going! let's make Africa mainstream together.
Dulce, I can't wait for ur iv. I'm sure as usual, you'll pull out a new trick from ur hat.
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