This is my chat with the girl. Happy reading y'all!
Name: Anrette Ngafor
Age: 32
Location: Manchester, UK
DC: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
AN: The chicken
DC: Why?
AN: Because the chicken had to lay the egg!

AN: I grew up in Cameroon and came to UK at about age 16 and basically found my way around. I am opinionated, focused and know my mind. I have been told that I am one of those women who fight for their rights – I have been called a Feminist before.
I love to travel, I love music, reading – varied genre, anything interesting and especially magazines because I need to always keep myself informed on what is going on in my industry.
I hate untidiness and I dislike people who pick their nose
DC: I am with you on that one, lol!
DC: What are you passionate about?
AN: So many things. Especially passionate about people looking good, dressing good, looking fashionable and trendy.

AN: Growing up, I had always been interested in fashion. Anyone that knows me, knows that I have always been fashion conscious. While I was working, I was always drawn to doing something related to fashion, I made things for people and talked about doing a fashion course. With the encouragement from others, I gave up my job and enrolled myself on a BTEC in fashion construction course. This course was all about textiles, fabrics etc. At the end of the course, I did a fashion show which I was very excited about and proud of. It was a one off show which my school did and they asked me to host. Most people at the show were both surprised and shocked!
I decided to pursue a degree in the fashion field. I went to Salford University and started with the technical aspect which was like fashion designing but I was much more drawn to styling - choosing models, deciding on colours etc. From this, I also became very passionate about photography. In my second year, one of the projects I did was to put together a photo shoot with the idea of having it selected for “ID Mag”, an underground, edgy and non high street fashion magazine. My teachers were pleasantly surprised at the imagery and concept!
I graduated at the end of the course with a fashion degree.

AN: They were not surprised at all especially my dad (God rests his soul). He was very supportive and would even help me research my assignment. My dad was very fashion conscious. They were both very supportive and encouraging.
DC: What or who has inspired you in your life?
AN: So many people, from family to people within the fashion industry. My dad is my greatest inspiration then my biggest inspiration in the fashion world has to be Vivienne Westwood.
DC: That means your style is very edgy and racy and non conventional then because Vivienne Westwood’s designs are not typical!
AN: Yes – when I do my stuff it has to have a message and the camera has to project that message. Vivienne Westwood is my idol!
In the photography side, I love Terry Richardson because he is different. He is into nudity. People would think he is sick but to me, it is very free. The beauty of a photoshoot is to capture the natural moment – not use photoshop to erase the natural elements. I also love Susan Sotang who is one the most popular female photographers.

AN: My goal is to have my own label, own company, own business and own studio one day. Not long from now this should happen as I am working towards that and I hope to achieve it and make my dream come true.
DC: In your photography, what images are you obsessed about?
AN: I am very drawn to my African roots. I am very versatile but I always get drawn to things surrounding heritage especially how African heritage has influenced the Western World. I am also obsessed by colour which is an emphasis on my African roots again! I guess this is good because it means I have a trademark and people can recognise my work.
DC: The whole boho chic thing shows how influential African heritage has been in the fashion industry.

DC: What do you think of those models who are size 0?
AN: Personally, hadly anyone should be a size 0. However, the industry is vain but the models have a choice to either sink in it or make a difference by standing up to it. I don’t see how they can sell clothes when the average size in the UK is size 14, not to even mention the US!
DC: Do you think that with the wealth of talents we have from Cameroon, one day that would change Cameroon as a whole?
AN: I think so because looking at Cameroonians today and those of 14 years ago, there is a complete difference. Cameroonians seem to talk and not walk the walk but the younger generations seem to be striving hard to break away from that attitude. They want to achieve more and they set their sights high. We have the right attitude and seem very supportive of each other. This is why I created the group “Creative Cameroonians” on Facebook. I wanted a platform where people with ideas can come together and it gives me great pleasure at the response I got.

AN: Uhhh, I’m so pleased. I get people arguing my age all the time. My secret is I smile a lot. In life, if you try not to hold things within, then you would not get so many lines on your face. I drink lots of water and exercise a few times a week too. I have to look good in order to show another person how to look good. I need to be taken seriously so therefore need to look chic and glam at all times.
DC: Would you be going into designing?
AN: At some point I will. I am doing a lot of freelance work for the moment as I need the financial backing to start my own business. For me it has to be start and succeed and not start and fail. I am trying to sort out a fashion project in Cameroon next year, hopefully to have a big expo over there to do with fashion and beauty.
DC: Uh, that sounds cool. Great idea!
AN: Yeah!

AN: Oh yes definitely. I was hoping to do a little at the Soban convention but it wasn’t possible however, I hope to have some in the near future.
DC: Ok, keep us posted.
AN: Will do.

AN: I would give them a lot of support. As much as you are passionate about something, make sure you understand it fully. Know what you are getting into and above all have a passion as it will contribute to bringing out your talent. Also read the course guide to!
DC: What gossip do you have for us?
AN: I don’t have any gossip! I have a guy who is very sweet. I credit my work to him as he was so encouraging and motivating. Because he has a design background, it made it very easy for him to understand me. It is nice to have a partner who knows where you are going.
DC: Right, Ms Ngafor that’s it!
AN: Thanks my dear.
DC: Dulce Camer
AN: Anrette Ngafor
Girl, you are good! Your photographs are definitely very colourful and very "afro". I love the representation and the imagery and the concept and I have to say keep up the good work!
Hope you had fun reading guys and girls. Roll on next feature!
Have a fantastic weekend, whatever you do stay safe and stay true to yourself.
One love
Stay sweet
Very colourful indeed. Enjoyed reading your interview and admire your passion for fashion! Good luck with your business venture
Hi Dulce,
I really like your interview(s). Very good questions and good answers too.
Funny that we did posts on the same subject (fashion) on the same day! Great minds think alike ;)
gosh, i just realised i haven't left a comment despite reading this so many times. me love! me love! she's the one that got the photo and fashion skills :) proud of ya sis!
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