Remember, remember, the fourth of November, when Barack Hussein Obama defied all odds to become America ’s first black president and (arguably) the world’s most powerful man. Ngum Ngafor notes Cameroonians’ memories of that special night.
Anthonia Atouk, USA: I had planned to go to a watch party but decided to stay in. My eyes were fixed on the television when the first polls closed and the results started coming in. I was a little shaky, especially when the pundits wouldn't say how similar to 2004 or 2000 the (electoral) map was. When I heard Pennsylvania being called for Obama I knew it was over. However I stayed glued to the TV, flipping from channel to channel and waiting anxiously for the battlegrounds of Virginia , Florida and New Mexico to be called. I just needed the reassurance from one of them.
The journalists said there was some major news at 11pm. I was expecting results from Virginia and not the big announcement. When it came, it took me a few seconds to figure out what was going on. I must have sat numb for a few seconds more until reality caught up with me and I burst out in tears. I felt happiness, disbelief and belief all at the same time. A few minutes later, I started calling friends and family and screaming. History was unfolding right before my eyes!
I know it will not be easy for Obama especially with the mess he inherits. Expectations are high but I am convinced he is the man for THIS particular job. Let us all practise (saying) and start getting used to PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA!
Mathias Mougue, Italy: It was almost 5 am and I had to prepare for work. Then I realized I had been watching TV and never slept. When I heard the news, I thought I was dreaming! I chanted, I was trembling inside. Despite my happiness, I know we need to restart things back home to make this historical moment meaningful to us.
WEB Dubois, Chaka Zulu, Booker T Washington, Sekou Touré, Kwame Nkrumah... Haile Selassie, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr, Bob Marley, Muhammad Ali, Kwesei Mfume,... Toussaint L’Oeuverture, Nelson Mandela, Koffi Annan, Lewis Hamilton and yes, Barack Obama!!!! We have come a long way!!!!
Woyen Nchanji, Canada: I was at home watching in disbelief and utter joy. Obama’s victory filled me with an overwhelming sense of HOPE! Let no one say “I cannot,” for surely by the grace of God, YES I CAN!!
I’m not quite sure that an Obama presidency will matter much to Cameroon . However I just hope this moment goes to show young people everywhere, especially those who have been oppressed at anytime and maybe continue to feel the remnants of that oppression that with a lot of hard work, courage, hope and God's grace, you can be whatever you want. YES INDEED YOU CAN!
Linda Vakunta, USA: I was on the street when I heard the good news. My Nigerian friend and I went crazy; we were screaming. People were looking at us but we didn't care. It was crazy. Five African brothers started a celebration rally. By the end of the night it was like thousands of people. I think that was pretty symbolic of Africans’ contribution to this winning and for future things. Happiness, does not even describe what I felt. I was absolutely crazy. It was great! Too great!
BARACK OBAMA, 08!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Menoosha Susungi, UK: I wanted to stay up all night to witness it live and direct but I dozed off. When I reopened my eyes at 6 in the morning, I saw the headline on BBC News, "Barack Obama elected 44th President of the United States ". Then I saw Obama's family in Kenya walking on the streets as the "first family". I cried, thinking of the discrimination I went through in some parts of Germany . It's funny, but I felt they (racists in Germany ) have been indirectly defeated through this victory! And I know that many people feel exactly the way I do. Now the hardest part has started for Barack Obama, and I pray he doesn't disappoint all the people who have placed so much hope in him.
Nahsang Jones, Equatorial Guinea: I wish all mornings could be like November 5th morning. I woke up to an OBAMA WIN! What could top that! I have been following this campaign from the get go and have had my nerves dragged to the ends of the earth and back. Even in the closing weeks when Obama had a clear lead in the polls I couldn't rest because they came up with this Bradley effect, where white folks back a black nominee in public but ultimately go for the white guy in the privacy of ballot box. After what I went through with the John Kerry defeat in 2004, I was not going to put myself through an Obama defeat. So like a good chicken, I went to bed early. Trust me, this was the best decision because I have never woken up screaming for joy like I did. Everyone in Malabo that I know is jubilating. Some, who don't even speak a word of English, tell me they stayed up all night and cried tears of joy when the good news came through. Here is what a friend of mine, Maria Obiang had to say: “I wonder when we will have a phenomenon like Obama in West Africa Central…..I am frankly proud of and happy for both black and white Americans - and envious too.”
Grace Ngafor, Cameroon: Although we are not Americans, the success of President-Elect, Barack Obama pleases people here because we think of him as an African. His victory is the fulfilment of Martin Luther King’s dream. Dr King said he had a dream that one day white and black Americans will sit on the same table to do things. This has come to pass!
What a night! What a victory! Congratulations to all those who voted. You helped make history. We wish Barack Hussein Obama a successful presidency and a happy life with his loved ones. Whatever we do, let’s remember: “Yes we can!”
Dulce Camer would like to thank all those who shared with us their thoughts and opinions throughout this election period. History has most definitely been re-written for us and for our future generation. I hope we all adopt the "Yes we can" attitude going forward. GO OBAMA GO!
Stay sweet y'all and watch out for the next talent on the blog real soon...
I stayed up all night with Bump transfixed on BBC watching the polls change!It was a bit like watching paint dry but so gripping!!
This a such a great article, really does capture the moment in a way I can so relate to. Keep up the good work, you write beautifully...
massa DJ thx. i dey try for catch up with u because ur writing compositions hm... abi u want turn the mozart of blogging :)
keep up the good work urself. i wanna know bump's first cry, first step, first girlfriend. yep, i mean am, u don set urself up for some high expectations LOL.
I was sleeping :) (after all, it was in middle of the night here), but I got up to the good news at 7 a.m. (which is when my radio alarm wakes me up) the next day.
aw, Ngum, u no go make ma head big so, at this rate I no go fit go fit thru ma front door! Thanks hun.
I would like to know what you too were doing on the night Obama won! You certainly threw one hell of a celebratory party afterwards from the photos and what Suz told me, I'm jealous cos I wasn't there...
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