Today, May 20th is a national day in Cameroon and this will be marked too around the Cameroonian communities in the world. What makes this day super special is that we are also celebrating our 50th Independence from our colonial masters - France and England.
During this festive period a lot of people keep asking what the celebration is all about. According to them the country is still in deep economic crises, there are no jobs for the many qualified students out there, the system is still extremely corrupt from the government downwards and many only see the solution to be a change in government.
Okay yes, this may be the current situation that Cameroon finds itself in after many years of bad governance. Like most African countries, we are no exception but the key issue is that we are known to be a nation of "blamers" and "complainers". If we exerted the same amount of energy we put in ripping things apart into putting things together, we could actually move one step up in changing the face of our nation forever. If we also decided to join hands together, Francophone / Anglophone, Bayangi / Banso, Mbororo / Bamileke, Muslim / Christian - and put aside our differences then Cameroon will be able to slowly move forward.
The simple message DC is trying to share is that we all have to fight the current system no matter how small our actions may be, as they say every little helps. It is afterall our nation and though many of us live abroad or many are seeking to leave to go abroad, our final resting place is Cameroon. That is where we belong, it is our home.
Nevertheless, Dulce Camer is very optimistic that there will be significant changes in our beloved nation in the coming years. With the current trend seen around most African countries being the influx of their younger generation back into the country from abroad, change is bound to occur. Brain drain now means brain gain with a mentality that sees solutions and opportunities in problems rather than a setback or an obstacle. A mentality that is also very creative and innovative that aims to bring back Western experiences to fuse them with traditional resources. A mentality which is driven by self belief, assertion and a go getting spirit. A mentality that understands the principle of networking and making use of their contacts (the man know man concept is worldwide). A mentality that is not afraid of failure because they know if they don't try they will never know their capabilities. A mentality that follows their passion and puts their talents to greater use.
We are this young generation and let us stand up and do all we can do to make our nations - Africa a better place for us and our children. We sure have the power and know how to achieve this. If in doubt, adopt the Obama message "YES WE CAN"!
Dulce Camer would like to take this opportunity to salute these young Cameroonians around the world doing so much to keep the Cameroonian machine rolling, Alex Quest, Soraya Sone, Isabel Bezeng, Ngum Ngafor, Cynthia Anduhtabe, Shiri Achu Morcho, Anrette Ngafor, Kibonen Nfi, Kelen Ndzelen, Sophy Aiida, Liz Oton, Dennis Angafor, Valery Chifor, Mr Daddy Black, Sylvia Mbuta, Frances Ekiko, Brice Bertin Nketcha, Arlette Ngo Badjeck, George Eko, Paola Ndengue, Menoosha Susungi, Olivia Mukam, Denzyl, Wax, Steveslil, Mambe Nanje, Sama Ndango, Stephanie Mouapie, Maryanne Mokoko, Amabel Niba, Dinene Divine, Charlotte Mbatsogo, Rodrigue Tchatcho, Martial Tapolo, David Nso, Suzan Agbor, Ashu Tabetando, Debra Bilikha, Kilian Ateh...add your name to the list if you are doing something great for Cameroon!
So what are we celebrating? We are celebrating you and me and the bright future that lies ahead for Cameroon.
Let the celebrations begin!!
Stay sweet