Miss Cameroon UK 2008 took place on Saturday the 20th December 2008 at the Polish Centre in Hammersmith, London.
The finalists were Sophia Ayuk from South West, Octavei Bei from Littoral, Naomi Bucharri from North West, Marcelline Menyie from South West, Josiane Nzuekeu from West, Irene Muma from Central, Christiane Dawwe from West and Barry Jackson from Littoral.

...winner is Christiane Dawwe!

Miss Sophia Ayuk = 1st runner up

Miss Barry Jackson = 2nd runner up

The judges were ready and waiting and with the stage all cleared and set, the lights on, the show started. The two presenters Dominique and Yolanda started by introducing to the crowd 2 singing duo by the name of Essence who came out and did their thing.

Miss Christiane Dawwe being crowned by the Deputy High Commissioner for The Republic of Cameroon, His Excellency Mr Denis Nyuydzewira

The girls were presented according to their numbers to the judges and the crowd and their first show was their presentation of a traditional dance which they all did very well apart from some hiccups from the DJ who kept stalling on the music.

The casual wear category was a bit confusing as all but one of the contestants came out in actual casual wear. The rest were far too dressed up to be considered casual. The traditional wear was in fact African wear as none of the girls came out in any traditional gear to represent their respective tribes or provinces as this category suggests. Nevertheless, the contestants came out and gave it all they got. The two contestants who stood out in this category were Irene Muma who dazzled in what she was wearing and Christiane Dawwe who wooed the crowd when she came out. Her dress was beautiful and it also bared on the chest of the dress, the green red yellow of the Cameroonian flag.
Evening Wear Category
In the swim wear category, the girls all looked fantastic in the colours and styles they chose to present. One contestant who was missing from this line up was Josiane Nzeukeu. She had not been marked on the first 2 rounds because she turned up late for the show and she later felt the need to drop out of the competition altogether.

The final category was question time and the same question of “If you were the Barack Obama of Cameroon, what would you do to improve the lives of the Cameroonian people” was asked to all the girls. They all had good responses however, Christiane’s response totally blew the crowd away. I spoke to her after she had been crowned Miss Cameroon 2008 to see how she practiced her answer and she just said that it all came to her on the spot. She opened her mouth and the right words came out in the right order too. She totally appears to be very confident and capable of holding the title and representing Cameroon at whatever level and of course, her beauty shone too.
The show was good there is definitely room for improvement especially if the organisers want to attract more sponsors and more crowd. The night ended at the newly refurbished Black & White nightclub where the remaining contestants and the winner danced together with the rest of the crowd followed by some entertainment provided by some Cameroonian artists.
Casual wear category
The other winners on the night included:-
Best Traditional Wear = Christiane Dawwe
Best Evening Wear = Barry Jackson
Miss Photogenic 2008 = Sophia Ayuk
2nd Runner up = Barry Jackson
1st Runner up = Sophia Ayuk

Contestants during the traditional dance
And that was it folks!
Stay sweet
nice one dulce. weti be be that winner he answer re being the paysanne obama? i beg u don get me curious.
Lol, I'll find and send to you Missy!
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