There is a time for everything it seems in her life and the balance that she has between play and work is very equal and very defined. With her as a friend, you will never be bored or sad!
Here is a short interview that she managed to give to me through her tight schedule. Yes, she is the first feature in my celebration of Cameroonian talents. More talents to follow per forth nightly so keep reading y’all.
DC: What are your passions in life?
SA: I love many things. I love to travel, I love meeting new people, getting to know new cultures [love this]. I also love the Arts – painting, music [I play the piano], expressing myself in any medium that I can, even in things like personal styling.
DC: Tell me about you missy! I mean I know who you are but I want my readers to “feel” you!
SA: I had never thought about this before actually [she laughs]! I am a colourful person, a very spontaneous, artistic and friendly and approachable person. I would love to do everything [not everything, actually!] at least once! I am bold and adventurous and do occasionally require some “me” time to re-energise myself.
DC: How did you end up as an architect?
SA: I was inspired by my uncle who is an architect. I watched him all the time and also because I was very good at drawing in school and wanted to use my brain too, I thought of going into architecture.
DC: How much gratification do you get from this?
SA: At the moment, a lot! I am currently working on a project in Mayfair and I also have some personal projects which I am working on too. Gives me the satisfaction I need and it also certainly gives me the pennies I need [she laughs]. It is time consuming though but worth it.
DC: What is your future in this career path then?
SA: I have always dreamed of having my own practice by the age of 30. I am currently working towards that dream and I am also doing private work to help me establish myself.
DC: You currently re-designed your home which is being updated at the moment. Tell us about it and what does this speak about you?
SA; Yes, I am working on my own flat too at the moment which has been a long and epic project but thank God we are at finishing stages. I got rid of a corridor to create a beautiful space and to give the flat a good size living area. It now has 2 good size bedrooms, a kitchen and a black and white and very square bathroom. I wanted the clinical look for my bathroom as it evokes cleanliness. I adore colour so, I decided to paint everywhere plain white, even my floor boards so that I could have a plain palate where I can just throw in some colour as I choose through the furnishings and fabrics. It makes things stand out a lot. I have a red kitchen and a very blue front door!
DC: I have to say that I saw a lot of your personality in this flat, well done again!
SA: You did? Thank you!
DC: Your style is very expressive. You are very fashion conscious, trendy, Uber cool, crazy, sexy and fabulous! Tell us more!
SA: Uhhhh! Individuality is my motto. I like to be unique as I don’t like looking like everyone else around. I shop for one off items anywhere and everywhere. In boutiques, second hand shops even at high street shops like Topshop. However, the things that I may pick at Topshop may be different from what the majority will pick. Also, I do love to customise my things so I change certain outfits I get and add my own finishing touches to it. I also love to accessorise a lot and this can definitely change an outfit!
DC: So is something cooking in this domain then?
SA: Yes, sort of. I love style and I love fashion and I am also about to launch something soon! Watch this space and keep reading Dulce Camer’s blog to find out!
DC: That is another topic for another interview!
SA: Certainly!
DC: Finally, what is going on in your love life? I do like some gossip too you know!
SA: Well, there is a certain special somebody [she giggles]! In the song of Estelle – my American Boy! He is wonderful and that is all I am saying!
DC: How can people contact you should they wish to use your services?
SA: Please contact Dulce Camer to be able to get to me. Thanks!
DC: Well missy, thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy (I mean I had to wait for like 2 weeks!) schedule to give me this interview.
SA: Sorry for the wait and thanks for making me your first feature! Hoping to be popping back soon!
DC: Cool, anytime!
DC: Dulce Camer
SA: Shiri Achu
Here are some before and after plans on a project she carried out.

Thanks guys for reading. Now that I have my first feature, I am over the moon! I also have to say that I am a little bit disappointed about the response I got. I thought this was an opportunity for us to show what we got in that country (cos we sure have a lot of talented individuals) of ours but some certainly do not think so. However, those who were willing to be interviewed and included in this blog, big thanks and much love!
See you and stay sweet
Nice interview lady! Well done. I look forward to reading about more fabulous Cameroonians
Thanx a lot Aba, mucho love!
Great interview. She is a trendsetter, seeing that she is one of a rare breed of women architetcts. Now this is what I am talking about. Its our time to rule. And inch by inch, play by play, we will overcome. Too bad some people might be tempted to turn their backs on Cameroon.
hi allo here!! great work.. ahowcasing cameroonians.. I received your message on facebook! Just keeping in touch.. I like what you're doing..
take care
To my multi talented Baby sister I am very impressed!
Thanx Roland for the compliment. We sure need to bring the image of Cameroon more forward!
Thanx Allo, you are def on my list!!
Hey sis, thanx a bunch!
Mucho love!
the camer eagle has landed indeed! i just love everything about this blog. the name, the idea. ah ah, u too much! this is shiri achu as never seen b4. mami i beg keep 'em coming. great work. i no doubt say u go keep am up!
I love the blog Tabs!!!
Thankyou for the kind kind words!!
Yes would indeed love to pop back here as I need to launch something as hinted in the interview.
Keep reading Dulce Camer y'all.
Loving this Cameroonian Showcasing:-))) Can't wait to read the next feature!!!
Remember oh - on your 1st anniversary, you need to be interviewed. I wanna interview you oh... ME!! I have juicy questions to ask you.
Great feature. Fabulous photograph. Look forward to reading more xx
Yes n-a, it has landed indeed and it is here big time! Thanks for the contribution!
Dearest Shiri, I'm glad the spread pleased you!
Okay, 1st anniversary, we will talk :))))))
Thanks to all for the comments.
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