Olivia Mukam is a key player in the domain of social activism with a greater focus on inspiring and encouraging Cameroon's youths to be more engaging and responsible for their future.
So without further ado, read below about the "Am I Doing Something" project.
Reason for campaign:
The reason why we launched this Campaign during youth week is to encourage the youths of our country to think beyond parties, myopic goals, snap out of victimisation, and ask themselves the JFK question "Do not ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
Who are taking part?
We identified 35 young Cameroonians under 35 "Doing Something" through leadership and entrepreneurship in multiple fields such as Arts, Engineering, Health, Fashion, Music, Agriculture, ICT, Social Activism, Entrepreneurship, Sports. The goal is to showcase young-success-stories that will inspire thousands more to ask themselves the introspective question:
"Am I doing Something?"

The 35 youth leaders who came together to the shoot 3-minutes video asking with one voice "Am I Doing Something?" highlighted who they are, what they are doing, why they are doing it, how they are doing it, some of the challenges they are experiencing, how they overcame them, and a message to the youth.
The teaser video was launched yesterday (Leap Day) - to prepare everyone for the One-day-One-video campaign which we will be launching on March 15th. They will publish the 3-mins video of each one of the 35-doers on their Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/AmIDoingSomething
And in parallel to this, they will negotiate with TV & radio outlets to help disseminate the word even further than their online outreach.
The ultimate goal is to have this campaign be an annual campaign, broadcasted across our national and international media channels highlighting another story of African youths, leaders and entrepreneurs. They hope this concept - scalable and easily implementable - will spread to other countries in the sub-region and the entire continent. They plan to publish 1,000 DVDs - which will be given free-of-charge to their network of youths throughout the country so that they may learn from their counterparts they too could be inspired to "do something" and engage in action.
In addition to the support of the British High Commission to cover our operations we are currently fundraising to produce 1,000 DVDs (2.5 million FCFA) or ($5000) ) which will be distributed through their network of youth leaders in Universities and Secondary schools.
In addition to the support of the British High Commission to cover our operations we are currently fundraising to produce 1,000 DVDs (2.5 million FCFA) or ($5000) ) which will be distributed through their network of youth leaders in Universities and Secondary schools.
If you are interested in joining the pilot project of this annual initiative, please contact them via the official Am I Doing Something email address: iamdoingsomething2012@gmail.com
Please join the campaign and spread the word. Watch out for the videos on their Facebook page too and on a TV or radio station near you in Cameroon!
Check out the teaser video below
Stay sweet
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