Sunday, January 1, 2017


Hello DC readers, welcome to our first post of the new year 2017. We hope you are welcoming this new year with lots of wishes, enthusiasm and a spirit filled with determination to make of it your best year yet J!!

So as we bid farewell to what has been a challenging and eventful 2016, we asked 17 individuals across different walks of life in Cameroon and abroad to:

1. summarise their past year using only 6 words and
2. list 7 things they wish for in 2017.

This is what they had to say…in no particular order but we will start with the ladies first J happy reading!!

Adeline Kamga, Corporate PR & Fabafriq Editor

1. I found my purpose in 2016

1. Good health
2. Spiritual wealth
3. Marital bliss
4. Wealth and riches
5. Career success
6. Business expansion
7. More mentees

Ngoh Dalida, Media Personality & #Team237Mag Editor

1. 2016 set the pace for 2017

1. Expand the #team237mag 
2. Create new goals 
3. Find new opportunities 
4. Work harder 
5. Create opportunities for young women 
6. Contribute more to the growth of my country Cameroon
7. Move closer to my ultimate goal

Monique Kwachou, Writer & Lecturer

1. An emotionally-challenging, personality-maturing, milestone achieving year.

1. More reciprocal and fulfilling relationships
2. A peaceful yet positive resolution to the ongoing protests in my country
3. More and better writing
4. More discipline, hard work and less procrastination on my part
5. For my president to officially declare he will not be running for 2018 elections
6. For MTN to provide better data plans (Or Vodafone Cameroon to give me a better option)
7. Growth as a woman, scholar and youth worker

Goretti, Actress & Film Producer

1. Passion always leads to great satisfaction.

1. Fun
2. Laughter
3. Adventure
4. Peace
5. Love
6. Luck
7. Success

Iya Bekondo, The Iya Project Campaigner

1. Enlightening - 2016 reshaped my thought process.

1. Peace in Cameroon
2. End of ongoing conflicts around the world
3. Perfect the scope of The Iya Project
4. Travel more
5. Grow spiritually
6. Wealth of health
7. Invest

Cynthia Tabe, PR Consultant & Vault Mag Editor

1. Thankful to the Lord for life.

1. Better political change in Cameroon
2. Peace at heart
3. More wanderlusting across the globe
4. Partnerships with like-minded individuals
5. A mind like Christ’s
6. Initiate new ideas into ModeMaison PR
7. Mercedes Benz G Class 4x4 J

Eurykah Fon Ndumu, Event Planning Specialist

1. Daring, consistent, Impactful, Limitless, Inspirational, Empowering

1. To reach every woman in the world through meaningful life conversations. Conversations that address the stereotypes that society uses to lock women up mentally and emotionally.
2. Teach women around the world how to stay consistent and authentic when walking your purpose.
3. Have my event planning business running in several parts of the world.
4. I will love to teach a class on details in event planning and how to use what you have to excel.  
5. I pray for excellent health in 2017.
6. Write and publish several books.
7. Acquire sponsorship that supports my dream "Nomamipikinleftbehind".

Clarisse Ndinge, PR & Media Consultant

1. A debut of my career goals.

1. A more intimate relationship with God
 2. A deeper level of success in my career paths
 3. A house in Bonapriso
 4. An opportunity to change at least 10 people's lives for the better
 5. A Chrysler Car
 6. A luxury vacation trip to Dubai
 7. Good health and wellness

Crescence Elodie, Community Developer & Lifestyle Business Founder

1. Pleine de: challenges, bénédictions, belles surprises. 

1. Me donner encore plus dans mon travail de Community Development Specialist à ActivSpaces.
2. Réussir dans mes nouveaux projets professionnels et personnels.
3. Rester concentrée sur mes objectifs et ne pas me laisser distraire.
4. Faire plus attention à moi-même, me faire plaisir plus souvent.
5. Rester humble et loyale vis à vis de tout ceux qui me soutiennent et me font confiance.
6. Continuer à travailler dur et à expandre mes activités au Cameroun et en Afrique.
7. Santé, amour et joie à moi-même et à tous ceux qui me sont chers.

Hilda Ngelo, Fashion consultant & Blogger

1. 2016 has been challenging, rich, exceptional.

1. Wisdom to understand people and things on a deeper level.
 2. More love for myself, the things I do, and greater love for my family and friends.
 3. Tolerance, to be more tolerant of the things and people I find difficult to accept.
 4. Growth, I aim to develop myself towards greater heights and the work I do in the fashion and entertainment industry. 
 5. Peaceful vibes for me as a person, and the world at large. 
 6. Blessings, I am hoping the new year will be a blessing on its own. 
 7. I wish 2017 comes with new opportunities

Pit Baccardi, Rapper & Empire Record Boss

1. Travail, Épreuves, Magasco, Mon Comeback, Persévérance.

1. Santé
2. Succès
3. Enfants,
4. Paix
5. Inspiration
6. Mariage
7. Amour

Roland Fomundam, Greenhouse Ventures Founder

1. A year of adventures, actualisation, realisation.

1. Love
2. Peace
3. Development
4. Growth
5. Sustainability
6. Stability
7. Serendipity

Stanley Enow, Motherland Empire Rapper

1. Great, challenging, surprising, very sad, amazing, uplifting.

1. Health
2. Peace
3. Resilience
4. Success
5. Wealth
6. Greatness
7. Positive Change

Walter Ebelle Eboumbou, Arise Entertainment Co-Founder

1. Challenged but blessed by the Almighty.

1. Health for me and for the people I care about.
2. More spirituality in my life.
3. A woman lol I think having someone in my life in 2017 might be somehow useful.
4. Success for me and for all the people I know hustling day and night to make things happen.
5. As I'm turning 25 in 2017, I wish at the end of the year when I look back I will be like ''Yeah you're becoming the man you’ve always wanted to be''
6. I wish to make my mama Proud.
7. I wish every human being on earth to have a joyful day in 2017.

Chedjou Kamdem, Digital Consultant

1. Enseignements et promotion de mon métier.

1. La santé
2. Du bonheur familial
3. La réussite dans mes projets personnels et professionnels
4. Une reconnaissance de la profession de Community Manager au Cameroun
5. Du succès pour les projets de mes proches
6. La santé pour mes proches. 
7. Plus de contenus sur Histoires de CM

Ambe Tebong, Music Artist

1. 2016 simply made me la star.

1. Peace in Cameroon
2. Peace in Cameroon
3. Peace in Cameroon
4. Good health
5. Money
6. More money
7. Good road to my hometown Bamenda

Mambe Churchill, Software Engineer Entrepreneur & Njoku Founder

1. Amazing marketing for njorku and myself.

1. Amazing growth in sales in my businesses
2. More investors and partners
3. Expansion in one or more African countries for Njorku
4. Travel the world more to learn and network
5. A stable personal life
6. Spend more time with family and friends
7. A better Cameroon

Thank you all for reading…so how would you describe your own 2016 and what do you wish for this new year? On that note, join us to lift a toast to 365 blank pages ready to contain something fun, fulfilling and favourable.

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Stay sweet


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Kim said...

I am inspired by the diverse goals people have for themselves in this new year.