Today, we will be displaying a great character we discovered last year. We've featured him twice before on the blog and he was so good so much so that he made it into our DC talents to watch out for in 2011. Make no mistake people, he came, he dreamt and he sure is conquering the music industry as he set out to do.
Mark this name T'Mah Mba! He is the head of A&R of Konvict/BuVision, the label that has brought us Akon and Lady Gaga.
Happy reading y'all!
DC: Hey T’mah, thanks for talking to DC today.
T’mah: Thanks for having me.
DC: No probs! One, two…?
T’mah: Buckle my Shoe?
DC: One down! Rule follower or rule breaker?
T’mah: Both. There has to be a balance.
DC: Two down! Have you ever played the Monopoly board game before?
T’mah: NOPE!! Didn’t have the time to sit and play board games. I was pursuing my passion.
DC: Raahhhh and he missed! Never played Monopoly?!
T’mah: Nope!!
DC: Okay then but have you ever taken a chance in your life? (There was a clue for the above question here but you missed!)
T’mah: Yes! I quit my full time job to work with AKON.
DC: Beat that people! Did this chance pay off *wide grin*?
T’mah: HMMMM!!! LMAO!! It sure did. Thank you Lord.
DC: Yoopie yay!! Tell us a bit about yourself.
T’mah: I was born in Bamenda. I attended Atuacom Primary School. My house where I lived as a child was right next to the Azire Soccer (Football) field. My dad at the time was the chief of finance, and my mom a school teacher. I left Cameroon when I was 8 and went to New York then to Algeria, to Belgium, and then to Atlanta. Since I left I never saw Cameroon again until 18 years later. When I went back I was like S*%T the place has not changed! Got to do something about this! In the meantime give me some Soya. LOL!!LOL!!
DC: I wish I had some mein! Use 4 adjectives to describe your character.
T’mah: Dedicated, Determined, Passionate, Handsome. LOL!!
DC: Lol, you are too funny! Music is…(complete)?
T'mah: My plan A. No Plan B!
DC: How did you get into Konvict/BuVision?
T’mah: I met Akon 17 years ago. We had one common interest which was music. We stayed loyal to each other till today. That’s the short story.
DC: Ok! So what is your daily routine at the “office”?
T’mah: Well right now doing an interview with one of my favourite Bloggers Dulce Camer. Apart from that, back to back meetings with staff, artists, producers, writers whilst giving Akon, and Bu updates. Listening to new music from new artists, communicating with the different labels (Motown, Defjam, Interscope etc…). After office I hit the studios, and then the clubs for different showcases. And while I am doing this interview I have our newly signed artist Verse Simmonds meeting me in my office. Google him!
DC: Will sure do! What challenges exist in the music industry?
T’mah: Staying ahead of the curb and staying grounded. There is always someone ready to take your place. NEVER THINK YOU CAN’T BE REPLACED.
DC: Right. How does one overcome these challenges in your opinion?
T’mah: Prayer, Dedication and studying your craft.
DC: What is your opinion on the Cameroon music scene at present?
T’mah: It’s not where it used to be. I remember when every one across Africa was listening to Prince Eyango and MJ was sampling Manu Dibango. Cameroon was the trendsetter for music. Now it seems we are more of the followers but I believe we will return to the days when we as Cameroonians are again the trendsetters in music. I know there is a little boy somewhere in Awing plotting how he can revolutionise the Cameroonian entertainment scene. LOL!! You like how I just shouted out my Awing family right. LOL!!
DC: Ha haa. Kill us! Any thoughts about what you’ll be doing to contribute to its rise?
T’mah: Haaa!! I got a few tricks in the works. Just pay attention, grab some popcorn and watch the movie...
DC: Okay!! What else do you have up your sleeve?
T’mah: Well I have a radio show that I am doing on 105 fm in Douala. I am also working with different Cameroonian based companies to bring to Cameroon some well known artistsJ. One of my pet projects is my non-profit which will be benefiting Cameroon in the near future.
DC: Okay T’mah, keep talking. We like this one!! When do we get to see Akon or some Konvict / BuVision artists in Cameroon?
T’mah: Soon... Real Soon.
DC: Ha! I hope Dulce Camer gets the big scoop! What else are you passionate about in life?
T’mah: MY GOD, MY Family. I am also Passionate about that Green, Red, and Yellow.
DC: Double yoopie yay we do too!! Do you sing or write songs?
T’mah: NO, I used to. I retired from that. I love the business side more.
DC: Anything else you would like to share about your life or experiences?
T'mah: Through my life experiences, I have learned it’s not where you are, it’s where you’re going. After you get there you have to reach back to inspire others, tell them your story so they to know through GOD anything is possible.
DC: What advice would you give a budding music mogul?
T’mah: Pray, Protect your dreams, and don’t give up.
Check out some of his pics below.
The Man himself
Out & About
With Akon!
With Lil Niqo (the new protegee)
At the Studio & "Office"
You heard the man, never GIVE UP!
Thanks and that’s it!!
Contact details
Twitter: Tmah_konvict