Sunday, April 19, 2015


The humble "SELFIE" has become nothing short of a social phenomenon which is continuosly gripping the young and the old alike, remember Mama Chantou's own? Check it here. Millions of Selfies are shared everyday across all the major social media platforms and according to infographics from 2014, 50% of men and 52% of women have taken a Selfie with the most being shared on Facebook.

So here on Dulce Camer, we started a new weekly series going forward of our BEST SELFIES shared by Cameroonians online...if you missed last week's one catch it here 

Here we go...

Alex Song - West Ham United Player & Sons

Terese - Foodie on Cooking With Terese (Youtube)

Stive - TV producer & Grace Decca Music Artist

Alex Song - West Ham United Player

Mballa - Music Artist

Aurelien Chedjou - Galatasaray Player
The Litumbe sisters - Lee (travel enthusiast at Spirited Pursuit), Loko & Eposi (travel enthusiast & travel series host on Janu With Eposi Youtube)
If you would like to send us your selfies, please email:

Twitter: @Brownschuga

Stay sweet

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