Saturday, February 13, 2016


The second issue of VAULT magazine is now online. The Valentine’s Day centred issue features on its cover the celebrity couple Alex and Olivia SONG as they share their life and love as well as their business ventures and their personal styles.

On the issue, football wife Olivia Song reveals the advice given to her by her father when she was still single and it involves not accepting freebies by stating to her “never ever let a man pay for anything for you.”

The vibrant stylish young entrepreneur also shares how she maintains her weight and declares the strong love she and her husband Alex have for each other in their simple family life with their 2 boys in London.

The issue also features fashion blogger Hayet Rida who blogs on That Hayet Rida and uses her personal life journey to inspire and promote the positive love of self, La Guga – a Cameroon culture lover and social media humorist as well as Nigerian stylist and entrepreneur Veronica Odeka.

VAULT magazine is a quarterly bilingual fashion, beauty and lifestyle online magazine from a Cameroonian and an African perspective by Douala based PR/Fashion agency ModeMaisonPR.

For fashion, features, fun, read VAULT here and do not forget to hashtag #IamVaulting

Magazine enquiries:
Instagram follow: modemaisonpr | wardrobe237

1 comment:

  1. Are there still gentlemen?

    Well the rule of the game (although no one kept me posted found out in a rude way) no dinner date is free oh! Dinner = free vagina . Thank God I was able to escape. Only insults were rained at me.
    So I make sure I set the rules before accepting a date. I am not doing/going dutch are you crazy? You want my time and you think I will go dutch. Its the man who courts a woman not the other way round.


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