Sunday, April 19, 2009


His name is Gideon For-mukwai, a student in the graduate program in interactive environmental journalism at the Reynolds School of Journalism in Reno, Nevada whowon first place in the 16th annual Student Speech Competition.

For-mukwai, who grew up in Cameroon and had a career in emergency management and safety in Singapore before coming to Nevada, spoke about how the 2008 presidential election affected people’s view of diversity and our country’s future.

The speech contest, sponsored by Alliance of Racial Minorities and Microsoft Licensing, GP, was held April 3 at the Joe Crowley Student Union and students from University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada State College, Western Nevada College and Truckee Meadows Community College, were invited.

For-mukwai was judged on scholarship, originality, presentation and logic. “This award means a lot to me considering I represent the many other students at UNR who speak English as their second language, “ For-mukwai said. “The Reynolds School has been a big part of my quest to fulfill my own American dream.” As part of the 1st place award, For-Mukwai received $300.

Congrats to him!
Camers doing their thang once again!

To check out the website, go here:

Stay sweet


  1. massa oh! good on the brotha. we're just unstoppable.

  2. I wonder if there is an audio of his speech?
    I would have loved to listen to it

  3. Hi Dulce,
    So nice to know you did a post about my modest achievement as speech champion at University of Nevada, Reno.
    More importantly, am glad to know I we a growing community of Cameroonian bloggers.
    We 've got to strive forward!
    Sincerely yours,
    Gideon F. For-mukwai


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